The month of November is one that is particularly special for me. This month Sandra Best Décor celebrates its 4th anniversary!

Today I am particularly grateful for:

  • Having a job that I enjoy, a spouse and family that love and care for me, a child that makes me proud of who he is.
  • Having a positive impact on the lives of people by uplifting them and inspiring them to create a home that they love.
  • Contribute my unique, God-given gifts and certainly my creativity to help investors get the results they want.
  • Sharing the journey, the good, the bad and the ugly on this blog with you.

Now in my 4th year, here is one thing I am working on…

I call it “Honor the Struggle.” Others say, “Embrace the Suck!”

I’m working on it because it’s been a particularly difficult year.

I know that all the accolades can make it look like it’s smooth sailing for me sometimes. But the reality is that I have to fight to stay present and engaged through the chaos, just like anyone else.

So I’m working on that.

In the last few months, all too often I found myself complaining or slowing down because of frustration, sadness, and doubt. Spring time was rainy and horrible in Montreal, causing a service sector like mine to be affected very negatively. I haven’t recovered from that. Long hours of my husband’s commute have taken a toll on our family and our relationship (we’re working on that). We sold our dream home to move into our dream location but had to readjust our expectations (home-wise)…

… and the list could go on. We’re all busy and working hard, so don’t worry, this is not a woe-is-me story.  We all struggle.

I’ve simply learned that I can’t overcome struggle if I hate the struggle.

So I’m learning to anticipate and honour the struggles of achieving my dreams as part of the process.

I try not to complain. I engage. I am no longer surprised when struggle comes; I expect it and meet it with my highest self.

As I reach 4 years of “Bringing the Best” this month, I embrace the struggles and crappy situations of life as an opportunity to challenge myself to be present, to be better, to grow.

I honour the difficult process of change with optimism.

I stand tall and bear life’s moments of unfairness and obligation with strength.

I fight hard for my family, sometimes doing work that isn’t always fun!

After 4 years, I can say I still feel motivated by a challenge, I am fueled with passion, I care to seek excellence, and I want to recommit to work through the troubles with a smile!

Also, I wanted to say thank you for following along here for however long or short you have been. Your support and love means the world.

Sending you all love and appreciation.

Now, let’s have some cake!

