This weekend was pretty special for me and all the mamma’s out there.

Motherhood is a whole package of good, bad and ugly but it’s good to take time to celebrate all mothers out there who do their best whatever that may be to them! For me the weekend was a good time to reflect on how motherhood changed me.

I try not to get all “Ma, ma, ma” (that’s like “blah, blah, blah”) here on this blog. But every so often I do enjoy reflecting on what’s hard, nice, or just unexpected about this stage of life I’m in called Motherhood.

So Bear with me!

Motherhood thought me to let go of control

The moment I found out I was with child, whatever illusion of control I had went flying out the window. I had this tiny little being inside of me and I could not predict, how he was going to turn out, or if he would even grow to full term. Every day was a decision to be in the moment as much as possible.


Photo by Vivian Doan photography

Motherhood thought me to have grace

Before becoming a mom, I was harder on myself and others. Having a baby and raising him thought me that I am not and can not be perfect. My baby also had his own character. There was no use in comparing him to others or even to me as a child. Every day I strive to accept myself, my limitations and to be gracious to others

Motherhood revealed my strength

I have always been afraid of the process of giving birth. I didn’t think I was strong enough to bear it. With the support of my husband and my doula, I was able to deliver my baby with no pain medication! I never knew I had it in me! Even as I came back home and found the journey of sleepless nights and nursing very difficult, I was empowered by the birth of my child and I think it allowed me to persevere in other areas

Motherhood thought me to be self-less

I’m pretty much one of the most selfish people on earth! It’s not in my nature to think about others first. However raising a child has helped me consider another human being even put him first! I am surprised how ever time I go shop for myself, I end up buying nothing for me but I come back with something for him!

Motherhood has thought me to be more flexible

I’m highly inflexible. Once I make plans, I get really upset and distraught if things don’t go exactly the way I set out. Well…we can all thank motherhood for breaking that. Often I’ll plan an activity for Ezra and he’s not interested at all! Sometimes as we are about to get out the door I realize his diaper is full! Last week I thought it might be a good idea to go for a jog with him in the stroller but as we passed by the park he started pointing and screaming “Here, mama here”, the old me would of kept jogging because that’s what I came to do. But I stopped and we played in the park instead. I was even more surprised the my son was more interested in climbing rocks then going down the slide as he usually does.

How Motherhood has changed me

Motherhood has thought me to appreciate my mom more

I have never been particularly close to my mom for different reasons. For most of my life I can truly say I didn’t really grasp the kind of sacrifices that she made for me and my sisters. After I brought our baby home, the first thing I did was call my mom to apologize for taking her for granted. I called her every day for three weeks just to say sorry and she just kept laughing!

How Motherhood has changed me

Me, My beautiful mom and son

