If you have a small front porch like I do, then you will love this simple, inexpensive way to add some color to your front door area. I made this ladder vertical garden this week, and I  love looking at the flowers and cascading leaves! It adds a beautiful pop of color, and I love the height! Most planters I have bought are pretty short, and tall shrubs are expensive.


This option allows you to easily change out plants if you want to, and you can also personalize the welcome chalkboard sign.


Additionally, the ladder with all the terracotta pots is quite heavy, so even when we had some pretty strong wind blow through, it didn’t budge!



  • 1 wooden ladder (mine is about 6 feet tall & 20 inches wide)
  • 4 terracotta pots
  • Copper wire or floral wire (if you’re on a budget)
  • Flowers and small plants (trailing kinds work great here)
  • Small chalkboard (got mine from Michaels)


Step 1-

a vertical garden a diy for Small Porches

Transplant plants to terracotta pots, adding garden soil as needed.

Step 2-

Wrap wire around the top part of the pot, just under the lip. Pull tight and twist. Keep twisting until you have about 4 inches of twisted wire.

A vertical garden, A DIY for Small Porches

Step 3-

Wrap the twisted wire around one rung of the ladder, making sure the distance allowed is the height you want the pot to hang. Once wrapped around, twist once.

A vertical garden a diy for Small Porches

Step 4-

Run the wire along the rung, the same distance as the diameter of the circle you created (that will hold the pot), and wrap the wire around the rung again. Twist the wires together several times to secure it.


Step 5-

Twisting the wires together for about 4 inches, run the wires down to the circle and wrap it securely to the opposite side, creating the other support.


Step 6-

Place a terracotta pot inside the circle and adjust the left support as needed to make the pot hang at a slight angle.

Step 7-

Repeat this process for all 4 pots, hanging 1 per rung.

Step 8-

Write a welcome message on the chalkboard and hang it with string on the top rung. Lean the ladder against the wall next to the door, and you are done!


A vertical garden, A DIY for Small Porches


A vertical garden, a diy for small porches

